Shipping Policy
Our standard ground mail service is via USPS or FedEx. We aim to send packages out within two business days of your order being placed and have them arrive within 3 to 7 business days of being shipped. Please be advised that shipments are not sent out on Saturdays, Sundays, or on any holidays. We cannot guarantee arrival dates or times since third party courier companies handle our shipping. Shipping fees apply to all applicable one-time orders.
We apologize for any delays in your shipments due to current events. The safety of our customers, employees, logistic partners vendors is of utmost priority. While we are accepting online orders, kindly note there will be processing delays. Rest assured, your shipment is safe and will get to you shortly.
For any queries, grievances, or feedback, kindly email us at We hope you are staying healthy and safe. We will fight this disease together & come back stronger.
We do our best to respond to all customer service inquiries within 48 hours.
Email us at
Don’t want to pay extra for shipping? It’s easy! Free shipping applies to all customers who avail subscription and we free ship to almost all addresses anywhere within New Zealand. A Shipping and Handling Fee of $14 (NZD) is applied to one time purchase orders. Please note shipping rates are subject to change without prior notice. All noted amounts are in New Zealand Dollars.
If you have entered the wrong address, there is a small window of time (1 hour after placing your order) to try and fix this situation. If your order has not yet shipped and you wish to change the shipping address, please contact us as soon as possible. Please note that when you place an order with us, the liability for your package is between you and the carrier. We do not make any exceptions to this policy. If your item has been marked as delivered, try these recommendations to help track down your package:
- Confirm that the shipping address you entered in is correct.
- Check with neighbors to see if your package got dropped off nearby.
Mail carriers sometimes update tracking information as "delivered" a few hours or even days earlier than the actual delivery. Please wait at least 48 hours to see if the package turns up before contacting us.